Flu season is rapidly approaching, but the students of Oklahoma Christian University can fight it with vaccinations provided for free by Walgreens pharmacist Darren Rauch.
Rauch began giving flu shots several years ago to members of Memorial Road Church of Christ.
“Being a pharmacist we don’t always get to reach out and serve out the community,” Rauch said. “So I thought it was a good opportunity to reach out to the church, it’s my family and my home, I like to be able to help the people at the church when I can.”
In the past, Rauch said he had not come to Oklahoma Christian because the Mercy Clinic on campus had planned shots. However, this year Rauch was able to add students to his list of recipients.
Rauch attended Oklahoma Christian from 1990 to 1992 before he finished his schooling at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. Rauch said it is because of his connection to Oklahoma Christian he had the desire to provide shots to students.
Rauch said he typically gives between 300 and 500 flu vaccinations to members of Memorial Road, and the group has grown each year. He said he hopes to vaccinate as many students as possible on campus.
Rauch said he encourages all students to come to the event, even if they are regularly healthy.
“It’s a very good thing to have in your system, even if you think you’re strong and mighty and will never get sick,” Rauch said.
Rauch will be giving a vaccination called Trivalent. Trivalent contains three of the most popular strains of the flu, so it protects against several different kinds the average person might encounter.
“It’s quick, it’s painless, we can provide a sucker if we need to take your mind off of it,” Rauch said. “Nobody likes getting shots. It doesn’t matter if you’re a kid or older. They’re not fun, but they’re necessary.”
According to Rauch, a person’s fear of shots is more psychological, but he makes sure the ordeal is over quickly.
“If you don’t think about it and it’s fast, it’s more mind over matter a lot of times because it’s not that bad,” Rauch said.
Rauch and his team, which includes 2004 Oklahoma Christian alumna Lori Norris, will provide shots on Thursday. They will be in the Student Center from 10 a.m.-1:15 p.m. and then 1:30-3 p.m. at the nursing department, located on the first floor of Heritage Plaza.
Students are required to fill out a form before receiving a shot, and should bring their insurance card if available. However, insurance is not required and the shots will be free either way.
“I would just like to encourage everybody that can to drop by, watch their friends get a shot, realize it’s not that bad, and protect themselves,” Rauch said. “You’re not just protecting yourself, you’re protecting your family and you’re protecting everybody else around you. Take advantage of it, it’s a good opportunity, and it’s easy to do.”
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