To educate students on the fundamental principles of liberty and the constitutional republic, KrisAnne Hall, a constitutional attorney and the founder of Liberty First University, will speak in Adams Recital Hall tonight at 7 p.m. The event, titled Roots of Liberty, is hosted by Oklahoma Christian University’s Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) organization.
“YAF is an extension of a larger organization that essentially promotes conservative values more than specific political stances,” junior and YAF Chairman Abigail Kent said. “During this particular time in politics, it is very easy to take specific stances over policies instead of being concerned with the underlying principles of those policies. When you look at principles, it is much easier to find common ground and prioritize the preservation of American ideals over winning a particular argument.”
Kent helped found Oklahoma Christian’s YAF chapter last spring and said tonight’s event is its “foray” into presenting themselves to the student body as a unique way to get involved with politics.
“YAF differs from other campus political organizations because it is not taking a specific political party stance, which is very nice if you are conservative but do not necessarily want to associate yourself with the Republican party,” Kent said. “YAF has a group of speakers who make themselves available to chapters across the country, so we have a lot of amazing people we can bring to campus.”
According to Kent, Oklahoma Christian donors approached YAF and offered to bring Hall to campus, encouraging the chapter to help sponsor and organize the event.
“It is very nice, especially for our first event, because we were not necessarily scrambling to put something together,” Kent said. “The opportunity was provided for us and we have simply been doing a lot of the legwork.”
Hall is the author of six books on the Constitution and Bill of Rights and has a nationally syndicated radio show and a cable television show. She has been featured on C-SPAN TV and C-SPAN Book TV and currently travels the country “pulling no punches, putting liberty first and giving no quarter to those who hide behind party labels,” according to her website.
“I was not born a Constitutionalist,” Hall said in her biography. “I did not live my life with an inherent understanding of liberty and what is necessary to defend it. I was not raised a Christian; I was raised a democrat. The only thing more evil than Satan was a republican in my home. There were no choices to be made in voting; straight democratic party line was the only choice.
I was not born with the knowledge I have now. I did not wake up one morning with a divine epiphany. I traveled a long road. I learned some hard and painful lessons. My beliefs were challenged and I came to know the truth. So, when someone says to you, ‘Did you know that person used to be associated with this or that group or used to believe this? How can you possibly believe him now?’ Remember this story.”
Kent said she is looking forward to Hall’s lecture from both an educational and inspirational standpoint.
“Even if someone considers themselves extremely patriotic and knows the Constitution like the back of their hand, it is still really nice to have a refresher and to be reenergized,” Kent said. “Whether we like it or not, government is very much involved in our everyday lives—from the national down to our city and local government—and being informed is the best way to limit government and preserve our freedoms. Because people in power who want a position exclusively for power need an ignorant populous for that to take place—the more we know and understand to steward this government we have been given, the better we can preserve American principles.”
Roots of Liberty is also an Ethos-approved event because the lecture will focus on stewarding religion, as well as the government, as a Christian, Kent said.
“Kind of like stewarding our government well, stewarding our religion is important for Christians who live in America,” Kent said. “Recognizing those principles, those freedoms, that uniqueness and not taking that for granted, but rather actively educating ourselves on how that works, how it is a blessing and how it sets us up to take care of other Christians who do not have a constitutional republic to live under—that is why I am looking forward to being educated and reminded of the uniqueness of the constitutional principles.”
As YAF continues to expand as an organization on campus, Kent said she hopes to bring an assortment of speakers to Oklahoma Christian each semester, and her officers are working to “reenergize the spirit of patriotism on campus” through the possible screenings of patriotic movies.
“I do not think people understand the uniqueness of the American government, and if we simply let it go to waste, we have not stewarded our position as a people who ought to be represented in government at all,” Kent said. “Just being able to unite ourselves as Americans—and even international students who are interested in learning about what it means to live in this country—is what we are hoping to do. We want to be able to provide that and be able to say, ‘This is what we stand for, this is what we believe’ and do it in a way not solely for people who want to be legislators or want to make their careers in the political world, but for all students just because it is important.”
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