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Posts published by “Juliana Vadnais”

Fall Grand Concert

  A lot of noise will be coming from Hardeman Auditorium on Sunday Oct. 6. The music department’s 18th annual Grand Concert will take place…

Snowden is a hero, not a traitor

  There aren’t many things I like about Russia. For one, it is cold. Really, really cold. They also aren’t very good at that whole…

Who is for Baby Veronica

A four-year-old should be involved in a lot of things: playing outside, preschool, family time. One thing they shouldn’t be involved in is a two-year…

Guilty pleasures are rotting your brain

My mom always said, “Don’t watch too much TV, it will rot your brain.” With some of the shows on these days, I have to…

Skinny is the new fat

Urban Outfitters makes some pretty fashionable, if not hipster-esque, clothing. They also get themselves in trouble fairly often for their ideas of “fashion.” In 2010,…

Housing changes impact community

To meet the needs of a growing student body and maintain affordability, Oklahoma Christian University has announced their plan to convert the Tealridge Retirement Community…

It’s time to stop playing the blame game

The age-old debate of nature vs. nurture is still a topic for discussion in psychology classes across the world. While there is proof for each…

And the home of the brave

There is nothing that can make me tear up like watching a military homecoming video. The joy and relief and excitement that I know the…