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Posts published by “Juliana Vadnais”

Unrealistic expectations

Most people don’t complain about Disney. But when they do, they complain about how it gives young people unrealistic expectations about things such as life,…

Church of Christ teachers

There will always be rules that people don’t like, no matter where they go or what setting they are in. Students at Oklahoma Christian University…

Looking for a silver lining

Anticipation is the act of looking forward to something, especially a pleasurable expectation. At the other end of the spectrum is dread. There are so…

Whining and complaining

People love to complain. It makes us feel better, and every day we find things to complain about. Our complaining does not typically help our…

Consolations for celebrities

Consolation prizes make everyone feel like a winner. At the Oscars, everyone is a winner, receiving a swag bag worth tens of thousands of dollars.…

Top three travel locations

Every year there are different lists published about the top places to travel. Anyone who knows me knows I love to travel. I have moved…

Mourning an American hero

Thousands attended the memorial for ex-Navy SEAL Chris Kyle at Cowboys Stadium on Monday. Hundreds of people then lined the highways and overpasses along the…

Controversy over Chinese child policy

Most people learn about China’s one-child-only policy in a history class in high school. The policy was implemented in 1979 to prevent overpopulation and allowed…