It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas at Oklahoma Christian University. Two anticipated annual events, Lighting of the Commons and Cocoa and Carols will kick off holiday festivities for the Oklahoma Christian community on Tuesday, Dec. 1 and Thursday, Dec. 3.
Student Events Coordinator Amanda Watson said Lighting of the Commons began after an Oklahoma Christian alumna visited Vienna and fell in love with the Vienna Christmas markets.
“OC has always put lights around trees and the forum,” Watson said. “After the trip to Vienna it just gradually developed into let’s have an event where we’ll sell Christmas mugs like they have at Vienna.”
Lighting of the Commons features a variety of activities for the campus, community and alumni including free pictures with Santa, an opportunity to write letters to soldiers overseas, hot chocolate and mugs for $3, free carriage and train rides, the Soundings’ Christmas market and a performance by the bell choir from Wings.
Watson said one of her favorite parts of Lighting of the Commons is watching the kids and young adults of Wings perform.
“I just think seeing the joy in those kids, in those young adults makes me really happy and makes doing all of this worth it,” Watson said. “They have that Christmas spirit and they exude it.”
At the end of Lighting of the Commons Santa will make an appearance and there will be a countdown to the lighting of the commons and a firework display.
“When Lighting of the Commons happens, it’s time for Christmas,” Watson said. “To me, it sets the tone and gets people ready. I hope it helps our students see how pretty the campus is lit up and push through to finals.”
This year will mark the 39th annual Cocoa and Carols event for Oklahoma Christian’s music program.
Chair and professor of music Kathy Thompson said the purpose of Cocoa and Carols is essentially for the music program to give back to the Oklahoma Christian community.
“It grew out of the Chorale’s Christmas gift to the campus,” Thompson said. “The idea is to give the campus a nice musical show.”
At intermission of the musical performance hot chocolate will be provided free of charge to all those who attend, and Thompson hinted there may be a sparkling white surprise during the performance of “White Christmas.”
“It’s hard to think about Christmas without music,” Thompson said. “I think the traditional Christmas caroling custom and the traditional carols that are a part of our heritage are just eternal – something that needs to keep going.”
Lighting of the Commons will take place Tuesday, Dec. 1 at the pavilion and Student Center from 6-10 p.m. and Cocoa and Carols will be held Dec. 3 in the Garvey Center at 7 p.m.
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