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Posts published by “Jake Whiteley”

It’s time to end the catcall

Shoshana B. Roberts was not a well-known name two weeks ago, but thanks to 10 hours of walking, over 100 catcalls and one viral video,…

Clinton vs. Lewinsky: the final showdown

It has been 16 years since President Bill Clinton’s affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky became public knowledge. Since President Clinton’s impeachment, Hillary Clinton…

Reminder: an airplane is still missing

Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 with its 239 passengers on board went missing seven months ago. On Oct. 13 it was announced the airplane did not…

Confessions of a social service club officer

Clubs are a vital part of campus life here at Oklahoma Christian University. They give students a place to belong. According to the Oklahoma Christian…

The value of your words

These scenarios are only really heard of in movies or a really good book, but Monday night at the mall I experienced a moment that I…

Have you checked Yik Yak today?

A public high school in Massachusetts was evacuated in April 2014 because anonymous threats were made via Yik Yak, the most recent trend of social…

A farewell to the OC app

The Oklahoma Christian University iPhone app was a necessity for survival, but now it joins flip phones, pagers and Flappy Bird in technology heaven. Disclaimer:…