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Posts published in “Articles”

Importance of Christian modesty

A great deal of the student body went crazy when Oklahoma Christian University banned wearing leggings as pants. However,  this isn’t just another yoga pants…

Guilty pleasures are rotting your brain

My mom always said, “Don’t watch too much TV, it will rot your brain.” With some of the shows on these days, I have to…

A student’s path to Oklahoma Christian

I remember telling my parents, “I can’t wait to come to school here,” as we walked around Oklahoma Christian University when I was a little…

Get more than a ring by spring

Oklahoma Christian University, like most Christian campuses, is often referred to as a “marriage factory.” I fell in love and got engaged here, as did…

Skinny is the new fat

Urban Outfitters makes some pretty fashionable, if not hipster-esque, clothing. They also get themselves in trouble fairly often for their ideas of “fashion.” In 2010,…

Landing an internship

Searching for an internship requires hard work. Nowadays, it seems as if internships are the only way to come close to landing a career after…

Don’t be afraid to ask

Help is something no one is willing to admit that everyone needs. We are not created to live on our own; we simply cannot function…

Demolition leaves students homeless

My husband and I found out about the closing of Phase 2 via email in May. I graduate in December and we had planned on…