As the spring semester ends, Oklahoma Christian University’s social service clubs prepare for the following year by electing the next round of officers. Each social club undergoes a series of nominations, and the nominees give a speech to the club addressing his or her plans for the following year. Clubs recently turned in their new list of officers and began making plans for next semester under the leadership of their new presidents.
Chi Lambda Phi
Jonathan Holsberry
Q. Why did you run for president?
“I ran for president because I love Chi and want to see it be the best it can be. I am honored to have been chosen to be president, and I cannot wait to serve the men of Chi.”
Q. What office(s) have you previously held in your club, and what did you learn from it?
“This past year, I served as Chi’s Spring Sing director. I enjoyed it so much and learned a lot about myself and how I can be the best leader.”
Q. What is your favorite club memory?
“My favorite memory in Chi was after we performed on Saturday night. Right after we got off stage, we went back to Memorial Road, and we were so happy because we knew we gave it everything we had.”
Q. What are your goals for your club next year?
“I hope that Chi continues to be leaders on campus, in their church and then later in their lives. I hope we grow closer together this next year and will always be there for each other.”
Delta Gamma Sigma
Will Gathright
Q. Why did you run for president?
“Delta means a lot to me, and this was my way of being able to repay everything they have done for me. I want to be able to set these men up to be the best they can be and put them in a position to be successful.”
Q. What office(s) have you previously held in your club, and what did you learn from it?
“I was previously the rush director, and that taught me a lot about how to work with people and rally my guys behind a common cause. That position also helped to improve my planning skills for sure.”
Q. What is your favorite club memory?
“My favorite club memory is the sweep of Chi in basketball this year. It was so much fun having all the guys show out and support our brothers. The atmosphere was incredible, and it was just a great time to hang out with the boys.”
Q. What are your goals for your club next year?
“The goals are just for the club to continue to be the best club on campus in every way possible. We want to strengthen that brotherhood first and foremost, and then everything else will fall into place.”
Gamma Rho
Madison McDonald
Q. Why did you run for president?
“I wanted to run for president because I wanted to serve Gamma through leadership. Gamma is special group of young women who thrive together, and I wanted the opportunity to lead us through a great year. Being a leader does not mean dictating every little thing that happens in the club but truly serving the club to meet the club’s needs. I wanted the opportunity to serve these members because they mean so much to me.”
Q. What office(s) have you previously held in your club, and what did you learn from it?
“I was a rush director prior to running for president. This experience taught me how to be detailed in planning events and looking out for all the members of the club. Rush is an exciting time for all members of the club and the potential rushees. My love for Gamma grew deeper as I saw others excited to be in the club and the current members showing how much they love Gamma.”
Q. What is your favorite club memory?
“My favorite club memory was during Homecoming this past year. We worked incredibly hard on our float to have a great outcome. Then during the parade, we shot off confetti cannons and magic happened. It was truly the most Gamma thing I ever experienced. Time kind of stopped with confetti going all around us and being happy with our sisters. Great moment.”
Q. What are your goals for your club next year?
“This last year, Gamma grew a lot, so my goal for this next year is to take us deeper. This next year is Year of the Blue, so I have compared Gamma to an ocean that is deep and wide. My goal is to take us deeper through relationships with each other, relationships on campus and our relationships with Christ.”
Iota Kappa Phi
Morgan Boling
Q. Why did you run for president?
“The previous president, Rachel Parrett, approached me last semester and told me she believed I would be a good fit and possessed the right qualities for the position. After her encouragement, I also had several other people approach me and express the same sentiment: ‘I don’t know if you’re thinking about running, but I think you would do an amazing job.’ It was because of this, because of my encouraging, loving and strong sisters—that’s why I wanted to run for president. After much prayer, I felt the Lord calling me to serve a sisterhood that has done so much for me.
‘For every athlete who thought they only had one group on campus. For every quiet person who wants a group to belong. For every girl looking for a home. For every weird person craving Iota. That’s why I want to be president.’ (From election speech).”
Q. What office(s) have you previously held in your club, and what did you learn from it?
“Previously, I served as athletic director. In this position, I learned a lot about organization and communication through planning tryouts, sending emails and answering questions. I learned how to work with my other officers to achieve the best possible success in all areas. Additionally, I learned how much Iota is about being hype at all times, having fun and being loud at intramural games.”
Q. What is your favorite club memory?
“I really have so many moments where I’ve looked around, and my heart has just been filled with joy. Specifically, one of my favorite memories was from Spring Sing this past year. We were standing together before we went to Baugh [Auditorium] to perform. Alumni and seniors stood up and shared why they love Iota and how it impacted them. After, we all starting chanting and dancing, and in that moment, I felt so encouraged, loved and full of joy. Also getting to dress up as the iconic Nancy Helen and wave on last year’s homecoming float. For that day, I got to be a celebrity.”
Q. What are your goals for your club next year?
“For next year, I want to keep Iota fun, hype, weird and intentional. This past year, we made a lot of changes, which just grew Iota into a better community. However, as a big group, I want to encourage the girls to focus on individual relationships to strengthen our overall community. I want everyone to feel welcome and loved within Iota and always know they are surrounded by Christian sisters who focus on loving God, loving others and serving the world, mixed with a lot of hype, fun and dance parties.”
Kappa Sigma Tau
Austin Peace
Q. Why did you run for president?
“I ran because I love Kappa and want to serve the club that has blessed me with so many memories and fun over the past couple years with more memories and fun.”
Q. What office(s) have you previously held in your club, and what did you learn from it?
“I was a Spring Sing director. I really learned how to lead my peers and handle deadlines and responsibility well.”
Q. What is your favorite club memory?
“I absolutely love Kappa Float—especially this last year’s float. It was fun wrestling for paddles and just doing dumb stuff with the guys Friday night at the cabins.”
Q. What are your goals for your club next year?
“I want to help bring out and emphasize the spiritual aspect of club. I hope the guys become way closer because of this and benefit from it.”
Phi Omega Nu
Whitney Littrell
Q. Why did you run for president?
“I ran for president because I wanted to lead a group of girls I deeply care for. Phi-O has been there for me through thick and thin, and I wanted to give back. I want to encourage my girls to be their best selves and aim for better.”
Q. What office(s) have you previously held in your club, and what did you learn from it?
“I was the activities director this year. This position taught me how to get my club excited for events and how to meet the needs of the club.”
Q. What is your favorite club memory?
“My favorite club memory was this past induction night because we had so much fun as a club. Also, I got my lovely little, Annie Battles.”
Q. What are your goals for your club next year?
“This next year I want people to know who Phi-O is and not just ‘the new club.’ We know who we are, and I want to show off our diversity. Phi Omega Nu is the “Kind, the Driven, and the Changers.” When we show up to campus events, I want people to see that, our beauty in our strength.”
Theta Theta Theta
Kyleigh Marquez
Q. Why did you run for president?
“I ran for president because I wanted to make a difference. Theta isn’t just a social service club; it is a sisterhood. These are girls I love and cherish each and every day. Theta is my family, and leading them was a goal I had when I rushed my sophomore year.”
Q. What office(s) have you previously held in your club, and what did you learn from it?
“This past year I was the events coordinator for Theta. This position surrounded being Homecoming director and planning other, smaller events for my club. This position definitely taught me how to stay organized and stay on top of things. Another thing I learned is how to properly manage my time. Google Calendar was really my best friend.”
Q. What is your favorite club memory?
“My favorite club memory is probably the volleyball tournament we just recently had with our brother club, Delta. This was honestly so much fun because we really got to bond with each other and our awesome brother club. This was a time of competition, joy, fun and food. This is something I hope to make a new tradition between us.”
Q. What are your goals for your club next year?
“One of my goals as president would be to be more involved in service projects outside of OC’s campus. I also really want to do more events and strengthen the bond between my Theta girls and our brothers in Delta. It’s going to be a great year for Theta, and I can’t wait to lead my girls through it.”
Alpha Gamma Omega
Matthew Estep
Psi Epsilon
Nathan Schrader
All clubs were asked to participate in this article. Some club presidents did not respond in time to be featured.
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