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Behind the scenes of spring sing

Photo by: Henoc Kivuye


Theta senior shares her thoughts about her final year in spring sing

Written by: Shannon Joyner

Spring Sing. These two simple words have the ability to instill pure excitement, dread and rivalry amongst the Oklahoma Christian University campus population.

It matters not if you were a member in the 1960s or a newly-rushing one, the pride of claiming a Spring Sing trophy is a rite of passage all its own.

It is something esteemed by alumni, gloated about by the current reigning champions and the source of providing yet another way for club members to grow closer.

As a senior this year, I have the privilege of assuring our newest rushing members of “What fun we will have” and “No, it’s not a waste of time.”

It’s actually kind of nice to be on this side of it, — the confident side, I mean.

Then again, I have always felt confident in my club of Theta Theta Theta. Since first rushing, the sisterly-love felt from these intelligent and all-around fun girls has always made both the college and Spring Sing experiences run a little more smoothly. The style of the Doves is one that I look forward to being a part of helping bring back this year in what may be one of the best Spring Sing shows Oklahoma Christian has had on campus. So to all those in doubt of what may lie ahead or unsure of how they should feel about this, remember to simply have fun. There is nothing hard about enjoying this experience. When will you be able to be involved in anything like this again?

Embrace every moment of practice, costume fittings, dress rehearsals and the secrecy of trying to not let other clubs know what your club is doing.

Look forward to the lyrics, club night, the endless pictures on performance days and night and, of course, working your hardest to earn the coveted Spring Sing trophy.


Lambda provides a perspective on unity

Written by: Lynneth Miller

Spring Sing is a time of chaos, fun and bonding.

Nothing brings a club closer like late night practices, lock-ins and attempting to learn choreography in rooms slightly too small for the number of people crammed inside.

The hours of rehearsal encourage stronger relationships as the members build memories of goofy mistakes and accidental one-liners that are hard to explain to outsiders.

Spring Sing truly does serve as one of the most unifying events of the year for clubs.

While all clubs probably feel this way, the ladies of Lambda Chi Zeta have a habit of fueling late-night rehearsals with large amounts of sugar. This makes for some especially memorable quotes and photographs.

For Lambda, the fun of Spring Sing does not end with rehearsals or with shows.

Lambda enjoys the unity activities almost as much as the show itself.

Families gather throughout the week to plot creative new, or sometimes just quirkier, ways to show support to other clubs.

Spring Sing has the power to not only bring Lambda together through creating more opportunities to see Lambda sisters throughout the week, but also to bring the campus together.

As friends in all different clubs compare rehearsal stories and choreography missteps, it gives them an opportunity to bond on another level. Visits with offerings of candy, or sometimes bacon, along with energy and homemade cards are Lambda’s way of trying to show support and encouragement to fellow Oklahoma Christian   Spring Singers.

When Unity is an integral part of Spring Sing, all of the clubs benefit, and Spring Sing becomes just a bit more fun and exciting for everyone, regardless of their club.

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