Hundreds of Oklahoma Christian University students will showcase their talents during tonight’s opening performance of Spring Sing. The student-run production with themed musical performances by Oklahoma Christian’s social service clubs and hosts is one of the university’s biggest events of the year.
With the theme of “What’s Love Got to Do with It?” Spring Sing Executive Director Jenni Jones hopes to bring back a Spring Sing show where the executive theme does not affect or limit clubs’ choices. Going into the show, club directors were asked to choose a theme representing something their members love.
To help students, alumni and campus guests prepare for the 51st Spring Sing show, the Talon has put together the following information on each club’s show.

Club Name: Delta Gamma Sigma
Spring Sing Theme: Lifeguards
Directors: Luis Mendoza and Tristan Minor
Q. Why did you select this theme?
“It seemed like a theme that fit Delta well and the other guys would get behind.”
Q. Why should the audience get excited for your club’s performance?
“Delta has been around for 47 years. The paternal energy we bring to all things we do is electric and a good reason for anyone to be excited.”
Q. What sets Delta apart when it comes to Spring Sing?
“No other club has consistently been capable of producing a 5th place show every year quite like we do.”

Club Name: Iota Kappa Phi
Spring Sing Theme: Scooby Doo
Directors: Abby Woodard and Julia Nored
Q. Why did you select this theme?
“When we were trying to decide on a theme, we were looking for something that took us back to our childhood and brought back warm memories but also captured the personality of Iota. We decided that Scooby Doo would be a great fit because it’s fun and quirky like Iota. We love its nostalgia, and it resonates with so many generations.”
Q. Why should the audience get excited for your club’s performance?
“What we think the audience primarily has to look forward to is a unique and energetic show with an array of new dance moves that have never hit the Spring Sing stage before.”
Q. What sets Iota apart when it comes to Spring Sing?
“One thing that we think sets our girls apart is their ability to make everything fun. Every single practice is filled with laughter, and that shows when they take the stage with high energy and wild Spring Sing faces.”

Club Name: Chi Lambda Phi
Spring Sing Theme: Shrek
Directors: Collin Deister and JP Holsberry
Q. Why should the audience get excited for your club’s performance?
“People should get excited because our show will be full of surprises and a fun, exciting story.”
Q. What sets Chi apart when it comes to Spring Sing?
“Our show is set apart because of our fast-paced and fun attitude. Also, keep your eyes out for flips.”

Club Name: Theta Theta Theta
Spring Sing Theme: America
Directors: Kate Goodwin and Autumn Barnett
Q. Why did you select this theme?
“We chose this theme because it shows people coming together for something they believe in. Whether it’s fighting for freedom or a shared sisterhood, Theta will be there to support each other through the trials and tribulations we may face.”
Q. Why should the audience get excited for your club’s performance?
“This show is all about patriotism. It’s flashy, it’s memorable and it’ll get you on your feet.”
Q. What sets Theta apart when it comes to Spring Sing?
“This year, what sets Theta apart is that we are all one ‘character’ instead of set characters. We’re very uniform, but we come together as one.”

Club Name: Alpha Gamma Omega
Spring Sing Theme: Knights
Directors: Jeremy Parker and Sam Walter
Q. Why did you select this theme?
“We wanted to pick a theme that had significance to our club and represented something we ‘love.’ We want this show to be a stepping stone into a renaissance of Alpha Spring Sing shows, so we wanted to go back to the basics. We knew we needed a theme that everyone understands but still give us the freedom to be creative with it. As the knights of Alpha Gamma Omega, there’s not much more we love than a story of bravery, brotherhood, princesses and dragons.”
Q. Why should the audience get excited for your club’s performance?
“Anyone from OC or familiar with Spring Sing should be very excited for our show. Our show this year is unlike most shows in just about every way. While traditional Spring Sing shows are fun, Alpha decided we wanted to stand out. It is our belief anyone who thinks they have already seen all Spring Sing has to offer will be pleasantly surprised with our show.”
Q. What sets Alpha apart when it comes to Spring Sing?
“We have really stepped up our game this year with some intense choreography and crazy props which really set us apart from the other clubs, as well as ourselves in years past. It is time we had another knight show, and we have been working really hard to design and direct a show that we’re sure everyone’s going to enjoy.”

Club Name: Gamma Rho
Spring Sing Theme: Cindy Lou Who and the Grinch
Directors: Riley Wilson and Abby Lauxman
Q. Why did you select this theme?
“We chose this theme because who doesn’t love Christmas? We thought this theme was fun, unique and different from what Gamma has typically done in the past.”
Q. Why should the audience get excited for your club’s performance?
“The OC community should get excited about our show, because it is different than what you would typically expect from a “Gamma show.” Our Grinches really make the show and add a lot of spunky character.”
Q. What sets Gamma apart when it comes to Spring Sing?
“Gamma’s show is set apart from other clubs in general when it comes to our vocals and funny choreography. The entirety of our show is 3-part harmony, and we are really trying to win ‘best vocals’ again.”

Club Name: Freshmen
Spring Sing Theme: Moms and Dads
Directors: Mikayla McKinzie and Nathanael Nix
Q. Why did you select this theme?
“We chose this theme because we have a unique opportunity to make a show that had both males and females, a quality no other club has. With this, we needed a theme that could cater to roles both males and females could have. Naturally, more females than males signed up, so there are some female dads in the group. Many themes were thrown around, but we thought that this theme fit what we wanted to do with freshmen Spring Sing the most. We wanted to show our parents how much they mean to us, how much our moms did for us and how much our dad’s jokes rubbed off on us. All in all, we just love our parents a lot.”
Q. Why should the audience get excited for your club’s performance?
“Our show has parts that will make some parents cry and hopefully make all the dads proud. It goes through the life of a child from the parent’s perspective, which is a fun twist on the theme itself as most people might think that we are performing as the kids about our moms and dads.”
Q. What sets the Freshmen apart when it comes to Spring Sing?
“It’ll make people laugh, and it’ll make people cry as the parents in the audience can remember how their child’s life has gone by. Also, we decided to use a variety of songs. Some of them are from the 80s, and some of them are from the last decade.”

Club Name: Kappa Sigma Tau
Spring Sing Theme: Tarzan
Directors: Hunter Wiederstein and Austin Peace
Q. Why did you select this theme?
“Every decade or so, Kappa has done a monkey-related theme (MTV, Monkey Television in the 80s, Gorillas in 1998, Primates in 2019). With the theme being things we love and going into Kappa’s 50th year as a club next year, we wanted to look back and show pride through continuing that tradition.”
Q. Why should the audience get excited for your club’s performance?
“Every Kappa show has some of the same elements, moves and things to expect, but every show performs them in a fun, new and unique way. Each show is different and exciting; this year is no different.”
Q. What sets Kappa apart when it comes to Spring Sing?
“Kappa has a legacy unlike any other club when it comes to Spring Sing. We don’t always win, but almost every show (sorry, Hercules) makes people go crazy and see how we consistently put everything we have into creating a performance people will remember. Also, having an Eagles song as our theme doesn’t hurt.”

Club Name: Phi Omega Nu
Spring Sing Theme: Matilda
Directors: Abigail Dolan and Emily Scheffler
Q. Why did you select this theme?
“We chose this theme because we love Matilda’s story. Many people in our generation grew up reading Roald Dahl’s book and/or watching the movie, so it’s well-known and nostalgic. The characters around Matilda (her parents, Trunchbull, Miss Honey) are also super fun and we knew we’d have a good time incorporating part-timers into these roles. Most of all, we think her courage, spunk and wit are very much in the spirit of Phi-O.”
Q. Why should the audience get excited for your club’s performance?
“OC students, alumni and faculty should be excited about our club’s performance because we’ve incorporated some moves that haven’t been seen in Spring Sing before. For those familiar with Spring Sing, we think that’ll be fun to watch out for. We also have a wide range of music genres, from country to musical theater to rock to pop. Having a bunch of different types of songs is a lot of fun to sing and dance to, and we hope that will come through in our performance.”
Q. What sets Phi apart when it comes to Spring Sing?
“Right now Phi is the smallest women’s club on campus. When it comes to Spring Sing, we like to think of Phi as small(ish) but mighty, much like Matilda.”

Club Name: Psi Epsilon
Spring Sing Theme: Breakfast Foods
Directors: Grant Reinoehl, Stephen Gaub and Aaron Wondra
Q. Why did you select this theme?
“We chose this because, well, we love breakfast. We also chose it because of how unique of an idea it was to do a show based on breakfast.”
Q. Why should the audience get excited for your club’s performance?
“Everyone should be very excited for our show because it is hilarious and will make you laugh the whole time.”
Q. What sets Psi apart when it comes to Spring Sing?
“What sets our club apart is our theme. The fact we chose to do breakfast really shows what kind of a club Psi is and how we really want to make sure the crowd has a good time.”
The 2019 Spring Sing show will open tonight in Baugh Auditorium at 8 p.m., with following performances tomorrow, March 1, at 2 and 8 p.m. Tickets are available on the Oklahoma Christian website. Those interested in watching the live stream can find it online.
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